9 Lessons Every Creative Business Should Learn From the Black Panther Movie

Following the buzz about the Marvel Studios blockbuster movie titled: Black Panther, I couldn’t help but put down something worthwhile for the Creative Business Owner. It’s simply called riding the tide.

It’s a movie right? However it has tons of lessons for us creatives. Here, I have talked about only nine obvious lessons. Listen here:

I only mentioned one of the months in which black history also known as African American history, is celebrated which is February. At this time, it is celebrated in the United States and Canada.

The second month it is been celebrated is in October and it is celebrated in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.

This celebration is held annually in these countries.

Special thanks to  Wikipedia  you can learn more about Black history month by clicking on the highlight in this post.

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How Supporting the SDGs can be beneficial to your Creative Business

In this Episode, I talk about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the benefits of supporting them and how creatives in business can begin to apply their businesses to the SDGs.